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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mr Richardson 4CR

The children are currently working with a coach from Ryton Cricket Club, practising our fielding and batting skills in Year 4.

Many of the Year 4's have worked with the School Sport Partnership recently, because they are interested in becoming 'buddies'. Here are some of the games they have been learning.

Year 4 had great fun this week during a session in the forest with Mrs Goodwin.

Here are the spellings for the rest of the summer term.

In science, design and technology, Year 4 are making electrical game books about aspects of life in India. Here they are creating the 'circuitry' inside the books.

The children made Easter chick 'lever cards' with working beaks. Here are a couple of examples being demonstrated.

The children in Year 4 were 'eggstremely' creative in decorating their eggs!

At last, Year 4 have been able to create Anglo Saxon villages using their model houses and great halls.

Year 4 dressed up in red for red nose day.

This week, Year 4 went over to Thorp Academy to take part in the Fitness Festival run by the School Sport Partnership. Have a look at how we got on.

Here are the Y4 spelling lists to take us up to the Easter break.

This afternoon Year 4 created a favourite book character using a paper plate. Some children were joined by adults keen to craft with them!

Here are the spellings for Fri 10th March.

All of Year 4 dressed as book characters, or in pyjamas to celebrate World Book Day.

Please find the spelling lists for Friday 3rd March below.

Year 4 have spent the afternoon creating authentic Anglo-Saxon house models in art. The houses will eventually have a thatched roof.

These are the spelling lists for Friday 17th February.

Here are the Y4 spelling lists for 10-2-23.

Year 4 have had a super trip to Jarrow Hall where Susan, our Guide for the day, told us how the Anglo Saxons used animals on their farms as well as about Anglo Saxon runes, medicine, law and order.

Please find Friday 3rd February's Year 4 spelling list below.

Here are the spellings for Friday 20th January.

Please find a copy of the spellings for Friday 13th January here.

Throughout the Christmas holiday please remember to compete in the Year 3 / 4 TT Rockstar battle! Also, keep reading - especially any books you may be given as gifts. Have a great Christmas everyone!

Year 4 have ended this half term with a fantastic performance of the Christmas play 'Superstar'. Well done to everyone. We have also had a successful visit to The Queen's Hall Theatre in Hexham to watch 'The Wind in the Willows', as well as take part in a workshop before the performance. Have a look at us creating our artistic masterpieces below.

Please find the spelling lists for Friday 16th December below.

Year 4 had their final session with Phil from the Theatre Royal this week. They wrote a playscrpt from a previous workshop based on either an object, and animal or an argument. The children chose whether to work individually or as part of a group to draft their creative ideas under Phil's guidance. Many thanks to Phil for his expert input over the last eight weeks.

Here are the spelling lists for Friday 9th December.

Many thanks to all who sent in a bottle today. The children looked very 'casual' and enjoyed being in non uniform.

The spelling lists for Friday 2nd December are below.

The whole of Year 4 dressed in non uniform to raise money for 'Children in Need'.

Please find the spelling list for Friday 25th November below.

In P.E., Year 4 are practising performing a sequence of well presented 'partner balances'. Have a look at some of our efforts.

Spellings for Friday 18th November are below.

Spellings for Friday 11th November are below.

Phil from the Theatre Royal has held a workshop about playscripts with Year 4. They have played a variety of warm up games and then focused on building character. Elbie and Niamh improvised a super scene between a mum and a teenager whose room was untidy!

Please find spelling lists for Friday 4th November below.

Have a great half term holiday Year4 and come back safely on Monday 31st October. Don't forget to keep reading and practising your times tables over the short break.

These are the spelling lists for Friday 21st October-

Phil from the Theatre Royal in Newecastle has been in to hold the first of many workshops on a Monday afternoon in Year 4. He had us playing lots of 'warm up' games and then thinking about a playscript.

Here are the Year 4 spelling lists for Friday 14th October

Please find the spellings for Friday 7th October below.

Year 4 have been finding out about Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Ancient Egypt. Have a look at their recreations of his famous golden death mask using natural materials in the forest area.

Please find the spelling list for next Friday below.

Please find the latest spelling list below.

Year 4 have worked hard to create some collage style artwork for the entrance hall under the theme 'the heart of the school.'

Year 4 have had a busy first week back. We've started our History topic about Ancient Egypt. Please find the first weeks spellings here - they should be posted on our class page on the website each week on a Friday. 

Spellings for 16-9-22
